osewalrus (osewalrus) wrote,

Returning from travels

Was out in LA for Mediacon, an event sponsored by the National Hispanic Media Coalition. Fascinating to watch online video production growing and emerging. For those stuck on the idea that this is all cat videos, I highly recommend East WillyB (a comedy web series about a bar on Bushwick struggling with gentrification (and the usual sitcom plots, like the rivalry between two bar owners). On the good but grim side, Los Americans is about a middle-class second-generation immigrant Patriarch as they struggle with recession and family drama.

Hopefully, will get to bog about Mediacon in more depth over at Wetmachine.

This weekend was Conterpoint, which was fun. Good to see folks (will not attempt to list, as I will invariably forget someone). I apparently won the son writing competition. Unfortunately, I had to leave before the announcement because the INSANELY LONG SLIDE SHOW CONCERT that no doubt other people enjoyed but FELT LIKE IT FOLLOWED THE 5O YEAR HISTORY OF THE SPACE PROGRAM IN REAL TIME went on too long and I had to leave early to get to my synagogue's banquet.

Unfortunately, this means I do not actually have the words to said song, since I gave my only copy of the lyrics to the judges. Hopefully someone still has them.

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