osewalrus (osewalrus) wrote,

Dumb Question re: Crucifixtion

On what day of the week did the Crucifixion take place?

Aaron's teacher maintains that the Crucifixion took place on Sunday. My recollection is that the Crucifixion took place on Friday and that the Resurrection took place on Sunday. However, I am willing to admit I am hardly expert and don't actually have a copy of the Gospels easily to hand (I am fairly sure I have the New American Bible or whatever reference I used in college somewhere, but not where I can easily put a hand on it).

Many thanks.

Update: On rereading the handout (which is a printout in pdf of the electronic blackboard notes and slides) I am hoping this is just bad punctuation. The sentence reads: Pontius Pilate had Jesus arrested executed Sunday. [line break] Resurrection." I am hoping this was meant to be: "Pontius Pilate had Jesus arrested, executed. [line break] Resurrection Sunday." Unfortunately, my literal minded son absorbed what is actually on the sheet.

Still, as I told Becky last night, this would explain why Christians everywhere celebrate Good Sunday and Easter Tuesday, which is marked in New Orleans every February by the Feast of the Ascending Bodice in exchange for cheap beads,

Not since the Dream of the Rude has the Crucifixtion been so poorly understood (waves at fianaclare). Or, as I told my Becky: "And then I said to the teacher: 'you have got to be kidding!'

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